

I’m delighted to say my middle grade children’s short story, ‘The Green Party Parrots’ about a bunch of cheeky keas has been published by NorthernGravy.com in the third edition of the literary magazine.

I’ve encountered keas on both trips I’ve made to New Zealand’s South Island. The first time was on the way to Milford Sound where they were scoping out a car park – no doubt, intent on raiding picnic baskets or attacking the odd windscreen wiper.

The second time, was in Aoraki Mount Cook National Park. There were lots of keas around and I happened to be in the right place at the right time to take this action photograph. The idea for this tale came to me when a local remarked on how clever keas are and how ‘in 100 years, they’ll have invented the computer’. Why not start using them now, I thought?

You can read the story here: https://northerngravy.com/the-green-party-parrots-by-louise-jones/

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